So you know how President's Choice has all those exciting weird ice cream flavors? Well me and my sister get them on occasion and try new ones each time. Last week we decided to go with Pink Lemonade. I was a bit apprehensive because I thought it'd be a sorbet-ish, and I so not into super fruity ice-cream.
When we tried it, I almost puked. It was not sorbet-ish at ALL, it was creamy and sour. It was the most disgusting flavor combination I have ever had, and you should trust me on this because I am an ice-cream connaisseur. WHY did they mix lemon and dairy- I do not know.
I decided to write to Presidents Choice and tell them of my negative experience with their ice cream. My hopes were that they'd give me something free or better, let me choose a flavor (yeah-I dream big). Sooo I lodged a complaint for the first time in my life, and along with it I sent them in a list of possible exciting new flavors they could try...
Here is what I included:
-Banana coconut
-Banana bread
-Pumpkin pie (for the holidays)
-graham cracker, cherry cheesecake (yah I know, not original AT ALL, but they don't have this flavor and I am obsessed with cheesecake)
-Mint oreo
-Sprinkle Donut
So yeah. I haven't heard anything from them yet, but if you're ever shopping for President's Choice Ice cream and see one of the above know who suggested it. And if I haven't yet demonstrated how crazy innovative I am, I've definitely demonstrated how massive my sweet tooth is. TLC, can I get a show or what?