Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Something Else: Marcel Marceau

"Mime throws full light on man alone in an instant of truth, torn among space, silence, and time in an attempt to capture love, life, and beauty before the supreme moment of death. The mime is also one who, after giving brilliance and significance to attitude and action, throws out the inner cry of the soul. It is the mime in this dark world who, having sewn up his mouth and torn out his tongue, has received in exchange the grace of silence; that is why the mime will remain the true witness of the human condition."

-Marcel Marceau 

This clip isn't the best quality but I really enjoy it because the scenes are from an older Bip, and as Marceau matured, so did his style.

These scenes feel more poetic than his earlier work that was choreographed for traditional farcical and comedic value.

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